Terms & Conditions
Written by
Angelika Pallas
Terms and Conditions applied to use angelikapallas.gr
The Angelika Pallas Hotel, whose site is on the internet under the domain name angelikapallas.gr (including all subdomains i.e. xxxx. Angelikapallas.gr) will from now own be referred as Company. Its premises are in Igoumenitsa, at 63 St Apostolon Rd with EU Vat Number EL-094376470.The following terms and conditions apply for the legitimate use of the Company's web site on the Internet. All products/commodities and services available by the company are subject to the following terms and conditions.
Every visitor on the Company’s web site (www.angelika.gr) along with its subdomains will be referred as “Visitor” irrespectively of whether they have placed an order/ used the services / purchased commodities and/or products from the Company’s site on the worldwide web.
Every customer of the Company (www.angelikapallas.gr) along with its subdomains, will from now on be referred as “ Customer” irrespectively of whether they have placed an order/ used the services / purchased commodities and/or products from the company’s site on the worldwide web.
By using the Internet site of the Company the Visitor/Customer is in full agreement with the terms and conditions already set or will be set by the Company in the future.
The Company’s website on the Internet will from now on be referred as Website, including all its subdomains.
If a visitor to the Company’s Internet site, does not agree to be bound by the specified terms and conditions, they may not use the Website and/or its available services.
Copyright restrictions
All content uploaded on the Company’s Website, being the company’s original work (audio material, texts, graphics, products / commodities) is the company’s intellectual property and it will be referred as such from now on. The company’s intellectual property is liable to all relevant provisions of both the Greek and the European constitution as well as the international contracts.
Any kind of reproduction, distribution, publication, amendment of all or any item displayed in the Company’s Internet site, is strictly prohibited without prior authorization (that is a written permission with the Company’s stamp and signature).
However the reproduction and distribution of the Company’s intellectual property is allowed on condition that copyright and Source indications ( that is the Company) are clearly stated. In case of the reproduction / distribution of the Company’s intellectual property, there should be an accompanying hyperlink, leading the Visitor to the company’s Web Site (www.angelika.gr)
Warranties and Representations Specifics
There is no obligation on the part of the Company to provide technical support unless stated otherwise, on a written contract signed by both parties, the Visitor/Customer and the Company (bearing the Company stamp as well). The terms and conditions of this written contract are therein specified.
The Company has no obligation to respond within a certain time span to a support demand made by a Visitor and/or Customer.
It is not the Company’s responsibility to contact in any way, any Visitor / Customer for any issue, unless there is a contract specifying otherwise.
It is not the Company’s responsibility to contact in any way, any Visitor / Customer, in dates and times other than those clearly specified in the contract signed by both parties.
It is the Visitor’s / Customer’s responsibility to keep themselves updated as to whether any promotion or availability of any product or service present on the Company’s Website is still on offer, before making any type of transaction.
The Company shall not be liable to any malfunction in the method of payment options like Paypal, Visa, Mastercard etc.
The Company shall not be liable for any information uploaded on the Internet and reproduced on its Site.
The Company is not responsible for the availability or non availability of services / products / commodities uploaded on its Website even if these are its intellectual property.
It is at the Company’s discretion to provide the Customer / Visitor with consultation support and services, without a prior signed contract.
The Company is not responsible and shall not be liable for any type of compensation for possible malfunction of its Website and the inconveniences that may arise.
The Company, in compliance with the law enforcing authorities will take any legal action required as for the transactions on its website.
Customer /Visitor Terms and Conditions
The visitor / customer agrees to use the contents of the Company’s Website solely for purposes and effects which this Website has been created for.
The use of this Website for other purposes ( to the Visitor’s / Customer’s own personal benefit or even attempting to inject malware) is most strictly forbidden.
The Company reserves the right to offer its products and services at different to those appearing on its website prices, or to stipulate beneficial terms in its contracts with specific Visitors / Customers.
Debit or Credit card holders agree to be held personally responsible for entering the correct debit or Credit card information.
The Visitor / customer who chooses to deposit money in a bank account for the purchase of any of the Company’s services and /or products, is obliged to contact the Company about the bank transaction details. Any extra commission charged for the bank transaction is on the Visitor/Customer.
Customer /Visitor Terms and Conditions
The visitor / customer agrees to use the contents of the Company’s Website solely for purposes and effects which this Website has been created for.
The use of this Website for other purposes ( to the Visitor’s / Customer’s own personal benefit or even attempting to inject malware) is most strictly forbidden.
The Company reserves the right to offer its products and services at different to those appearing on its website prices, or to stipulate beneficial terms in its contracts with specific Visitors / Customers.
Debit or Credit card holders agree to be held personally responsible for entering the correct debit or Credit card information.
The Visitor / customer who chooses to deposit money in a bank account for the purchase of any of the Company’s services and /or products, is obliged to contact the Company about the bank transaction details. Any extra commission charged for the bank transaction is on the Visitor/Customer.